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Reddit Users Advised To Reset Their Passwords

If you're a Reddit user, it's time to change your password.  According to the company, they recently discovered evidence of a hack that exposed all company data from the site's launch (2005) ...

Click Rates For Spam Emails Are Increasing

F-Secure recently published a new report, and their findings are disturbing. The click rates on spam emails increased to 14.2 percent for the second half of 2017, up from 13.4 percent reported ...

The Internet May Be Hurting Your Sleep

Can you imagine life without the always-on internet?  If you're like most people today, it's a simply indispensable tool, and the thought of suddenly being without it makes you shudder and brings ...

New Tools Help You Limit Your Social Media Time

Facebook and Instagram are rolling out new tools designed to help manage how much time you're spending on those two social media platforms. On Facebook, the new feature is called "your time ...

New Scam Targets Apple Users 

There's a new, surprisingly elaborate phishing scam targeting iPhone users.  The scam starts with an email informing users that their phones have been locked due to "illegal activity" and instructing them to ...

Lifelock Customers At Risk Of Email Information Exposure

A dark day for Lifelock, the Identity Theft Protection company.  It has recently come to light that the company may have accidentally exposed their customers to additional attacks. They recently fixed a ...

Automatic Mobile Picture Sync Coming To Windows 10

Microsoft has made numerous ventures into the smartphone ecosystem, but so far, they've only been met with limited success.  This time, they're trying something a little different. Instead of making their own ...

Connecting To Aiport Wi-Fi Puts Your Data At Risk

File this away under things you already knew.  Coronet recently released a report entitled "Attention All Passengers:  Airport Networks Are Putting Your Devices & Cloud Apps At Severe Risk," and the news ...

Twitter Is Getting Tough On Apps

Twitter has long had a reputation for being at the mercy of bots that have been used to sway public discourse and opinion. Often, these bots are controlled via Twitter API ...

Microsoft Working On Delay Feature For Windows 10 Update Installs

If you've used Windows 10 for any length of time, you've probably had this happen to you.  You're right in the middle of working on something important, and all of a ...


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